Company Profile Asta Musik Indonesia SEJARAH SINGKAT Pada tahun 2008, pendiri ASTA MUSIC, dimana adalah seorang pelaku music atau biasa disebut musisi yang tergerak untuk terjun secara langsung di Industry Musik, mendirikan ASTA MUSIC di Jakarta dengan bentuk Perusahaan Rekaman, management artist dan Publisher artist. Kemudian pada tahun 2010 didirikanlah PT. Asta Cipta Indonesia sebagai badan hukum di Indonesia, dimana di dalam perkembangannya, PT. Asta Cipta Indonesia telah menjalin hubungan strategic alliances dengan perusahaan rekaman di Canada untuk produksi mixing-mastering lagu dan perusahaan content provider Jatis Mobile yang bertaraf international serta bekerja sama juga dengan perusahaan distributor CD dan Cassete yang sudah cukup ternama di Indonesia. Sampai saat ini PT. Asta Cipta Indonesia juga bekerja sama pula dengan Production Music bernama Club De Production yang merupakan Production Music dan Event Organizer yang sangat berkompeten di bandung yang secara khusus bertujuan untuk memproduksi lagu dan memanage artist-artist yang bernaung di dalam PT. Asta Cipta Indonesia, Saat ini PT. Asta Cipta Indonesia menaungi kurang lebih 25 artist yang didalamnya terdapat band dan penyanyi solo, ASTA MUSIC Memiliki 3 bisnis unit, yaitu Produksi (meliputi Produksi Lagu,Mixing- Mastering, Produksi RBT, Produksi Album), Distribusi (Distribusi Album CD & Cassete), Promosi (Promosi Media Elektronik dan Media Cetak dengan lingkup regioanal dan nasional), ASTA MUSIC telah memiliki lebih dari 15 orang anggota tim di Indonesia. VISI 2015 “Become partner to every business in Indonesia”. "We aspire to be the most innovative record company in Indonesia to enrich the color of Indonesian music industry that can compete internationally, and can raise the welfare of the musicians and to make their businesses more successful by bringing to market creative and results-oriented advertising & communication services, also build a team and shareowner value in the process." MISI 2015 “Deliver more than Excellence”. • Be the best friend and consultant for our customers in each business industry. • Deliver operational excellence to our customers in each business industry. • Educate market with passion to help them grow in each business industry. NILAI – NILAI PERUSAHAAN Kami mengembangkan nilai – nilai perusahaan yang menjadi budaya dalam keseharian, diantaranya : • Collaborate None of us is as smart as all of us. I create and leverage collective genius in my life that beats with one heart with others; I believe coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. • Integrity Always stand on principle, even if you stand alone. I always speak the truth. What I promise is what I deliver. I only ever make agreements with myself and others that I am willing and intend to keep. • Accountability If it is to be, it's up to me. I am accountable for my decisions in my personal life so why shouldn't I be just as accountable in my work life. • Self-critical Proud for our mistake. The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month. I will think of, and look at, my work as though it were done by my enemy. If I look at it to admire it, I am lost. • Fun It's kind of fun to do the impossible. I Live and work but I do not forget to play, to have fun in life and really enjoy it. • Passion If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins. When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and I will reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible. • Speed I know my customer time is valuable, so when they're seeking solutions , they want it right away , I will keep my speed in mind with each new task I will do, I continue to work on making it all done even faster. • Excellence Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. I've focused on providing the best customer experience possible. I take great care to ensure that all my work will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal goal or bottom line. LAYANAN UTAMA PT. Asta Cipta Indonesia memiliki 3 bisnis unit utama dan memberikan solusi terlengkap di bidang Industry Music kepada kliennya. PRODUCTION ASTA MUSIC memberikan layanan produksi yang meliputi produksi lagu yaitu recording atau tracking mixing dan mastering lagu dengan kualitas studio dan audio standar nasional. Produksi album yaitu produksi CD atau Cassete ducpilcating dan replikasi serta produksi semua keperluan untuk CD dan Cassete dan produksi kebutuhan media promosi yaitu Poster, X-banner, Flyer, dll. DISTRIBUTION ASTA MUSIC Bekerjasama dengan beberapa distributor di Indonesia untuk memberikan layanan distribusi Album CD dan Cassete ke seluruh toko-toko CD dan Cassete di seluruh Indonesia, toko- toko tersebut meliputi Disctarra, Duta Suara. Music+, Aquarius, Counter Movie Plus di Carrefour, WOM, Movie Plus Ex Plaza, Movie Plus Pacific Place, Movie Plus Palu, Movie Plus Palangkaraya, Movie Plus Botani Square Bogor, Movie Plus Manado, Counter Movie Plus di Gramedia, Counter Movie Plus di Giant Hypermarket, dll. PROMOTION ASTA MUSIC juga memberikan layanan periklanan atau promosi untuk keperluan promosi Album CD dan Cassete kepada media-media di Indonesia, meliputi media cetak dan elektronik regional dan media cetak serta media elektronik nasional. HUBUNGI KAMI PT. Asta Cipta Indonesia JL. Pondok Jaya IX NO 23A Mampang Jakarta Selatan 12720. Phone : 021 7192672
umpat baelang...
BalasHapus^_^ wah depan rumah ... hihihi